
Kad Matrix Pelajar

hello and welcome...saya nak citer pasal kad matrix ni ha......saje2 je kan..xtau nak cite pasal ape...................nak meluahkan perasaan tak bape nak puas hati...sebabnye?? Kad matrix ni macam tak de gune......gunenye kat kolej/university je..khasnya library..bukan patutnye serbaguna ke???aku tengok kat peraturan,kad matrix ni kononnye akan diserahkan kat kaunter pembayaran kat food court..b la bla bla....tapi satu habuk pun tarak....perghhhhh..macam sia2 je......bagus buat name tag bese je...ni kalo hilang .....kene buat lagi sampai berpuluh-puluh rinngit.......bagus makan kat kfc je gan duit tu.....lagi berbaloi..hati pon senang.....aku nak pegi cinema,tanye ada diskaun tok pelajar,TAKDE...tak tau la kat tempat korang kan...tapi kat TGV Somban 2,takde nye......main bowling,baru ade.....perghh....kalo tengok kat overseas,dorang bagi diskaun tau tak,kalo student shopping......memangla kalo bagi diskaun nanti ade yang makin boros kan,tapi at least le,jimat sikit duit kiterang ni ha,,,,yang banyak duit,tak pe ler....beli satu kedai pon tak pe.....diskaun 20% pon takpe..............ingat student ni banyak duit sangat ke? ade yang dok umah sewa,lagi susah........dapat PT pon kadang2 habis sewa gan yuran, makanan..kiterang pon nak enjoy jugak...............................ni satu lagi..hehe..kalo ada konsert tu,bagi la diskaun student..agak2 la bajet kiterang kan...hehe...tak la sampai ikat perut nak pegi..hehe......[tapi aku xla macam tu ok..makan diutamakan,,biar tak pegi pun takpe,janji perut aku sentiasa berisi.hehe]....aape lg nak komplen heh,................takde kot......



is blind
is human's nature....yeah it is
is not something that we can only spell....
is something that we need to feel before we could even say.
one thing....
never try to run or hide form God...
never try to reject His love,
because,His love never fails...

the day we became the weekend warriors.....

Cite ni mmg dh basi,bak kata naufal.........aku nk jugak show off...sebab sume owg cite broga kt belog dorg...aku nk shortcutkan aje lah...
kterang bertolak dr PILAHdephia kol 3.....PAGI......ni antara pic terawal diambil di broga......ni lbh kurang 5.30 kot
fariz,aifa,fadh,and meeeee..:D
menunggu rakan2 lain...kami sempat menjadi model broga...itu dia cik hanim..dgn pose susah hatinya...memang xbleh blah...:P,,,rse mcm kt everest pon ade...dgn bendera Malaysia lagi...ecececeh..;P
yeh,,,,,,this is our goal...to watch the sunrise..and we've made it!! Praise the Lord! =D

yeah...enufff with the hill....lets swim to the river,shall we???
next detour: Sg Tekala......my first time.......quite ok..haha...[i will rate it excellent if it doesnt cost me a ringgit to enter,and the clean toilets heh...]

sorry..not enough pics to show....hhahaha..xD...
we enjoyed ourselves soooo much!!!!thanks to :mista firdaus ahmad[pics] and kelab pelancongan....and many thanks to everyone who made this trip such a memorable experience for me.:))